The matriculation process begins after a student receives notification of his or her acceptance.

The student must return his or her signed matriculation agreement. The student must also do the following:

  1. Submit deposit monies by the dates designated in his/her matriculation agreement. The entire amount is applied toward the student's first semester's tuition.
  2. Submit official final transcripts from all colleges attended post-high school by the deadline of two weeks (14 calendar days) prior to the first day of orientation. For students who are accepted to the School less than one month prior to the first day of classes, they will have 30 calendar days from the date of their acceptance to submit all official transcripts to the Office of Admissions. Any special circumstances or requests for exceptions to this policy must be made by the Office of the Dean of the School. If students fail to submit all official final transcripts by the stated deadline, then their acceptance or continued enrollment in the School may be jeopardized. (Note: PharmCAS does not forward transcripts to the School of Pharmacy.)
  3. Complete a medical file as requested by the office of the dean.
  4. Submit proof of medical and disability insurance coverage. The student may select either a plan offered by a University-approved outside carrier or a comparable plan offered by an outside carrier of the student's choice.
  5. Non-U.S. citizens/nonpermanent residents must provide documentation verifying that sufficient funds have been deposited in a U.S. bank to cover all expenses while attending School of Pharmacy at Â鶹ÊÓƵ (for non-U.S. citizens/temporary residents who hold a student visa only).
  6. Sign an authorization form allowing for a criminal background check.
  7. Sign a Â鶹ÊÓƵ Drug-Free Policy statement.
  8. Complete a physical exam and submit the appropriate form.
  9. Provide documentation that any additional coursework or service requirements stipulated by the Admissions Committee have been completed.
  10. Submit additional documents as requested by the office of admissions.
  11. Satisfy Technical Standards for the Program and sign acknowledgment for receipt of these requirements.
  12. Sign authorization for use of academic information for quality improvement purposes.
  13. Sign authorization for access to national board examination scores for purposes of programmatic assessment.

If a student either fails to satisfy the above matriculation requirements or omits/falsifies information required on any official admissions documents, the student automatically forfeits his/her seat at the School of Pharmacy. The student receives no further notification from School of Pharmacy relative to this forfeiture.