We collect data and information about our performance to help us continuously improve the education and services at Notre Dame.

National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)

Organization: Indiana University
Information summary: The survey is designed to obtain information from scores of colleges and universities nationwide about student participation in programs and activities that institutions provide for their learning and personal development. The information gathered is used to promote student engagement in inside and outside the classroom activities, inform accountability and accreditation, and facilitate national and sector benchmarking.

Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA)

Organization: Council for Aid to Education.
Information summary: The CLA is a national benchmarking learning outcome assessment tool that offers an authentic approach to assessment and improvement of teaching and learning in higher education.

  • 2011 Administration  

Cooperative Institutional Research Programs (CIRP) Freshman Survey

Organization: Higher Education Research Institute (HERI)
Information summary: The survey provides summary information about the demographics, level of academic preparation and academic and nonacademic interests of entering freshmen. The survey results help us understand more completely the characteristics of entering freshman so that we can develop new or modify existing programs and services accordingly.

Admitted Student Questionnaire

Organization: The College Board
Information summary: This survey asks admitted students to evaluate their application process, recruitment literature, financial aid packages, and more. Students also rate the college image, academic reputation, cost of attendance and quality of academic facilities. The collected information assists us in marketing research, better understanding of student needs, and improving performance in enrollment management areas.

College Student Inventory

Organization: Novel-Levitz
Information summary: This survey is administered to the incoming freshman during summer orientation. It provides a measurement tool to assess some of the qualitative items that have proven important to student success in college. The survey is used as a part of retention and graduation management efforts to identify students at risk, to intervene, and ultimately, to increase retention and graduation rates of the University.

Student Satisfaction Inventory

Organization: Novel-Levitz
Information summary: This survey is administered to undergraduate students. It measures what students care most about in terms of their college experience as well as how well the University meets their expectations. The information gathered from past administration of this survey has assisted us in better understanding student expectations, sharpening communications and making improvements.

Adult Student Priority Survey

Organization: Novel-Letiz
Information summary: This survey is administered to College of Adult Undergraduate Studies and Graduate Studies students. It is targeted specifically to issues facing the students enrolled in evening and weekend programs. The survey measures what's important to adult learners and how satisfied they are with programs and services offered by the campus. This survey, along with all of our campus-wide assessment activities, provides valuable information as together we strengthen a dynamic learning-centered community.

HERI Faculty Survey

Organization: University of California, Los Angeles
Information summary: The HERI Faculty Survey is administered to full-time faculty members and measures the attitudes, experiences, concerns, job satisfaction, workload, teaching practices and professional activities of collegiate faculty and administrators. Information resulting from the survey has been used to facilitate self-study and accreditation activities, inform campus planning and policy analysis, enhance faculty development programs, and improve student's educational.

Faculty Survey of Student Engagement

Organization: Indiana University
Information summary: The survey is administered to full-time faculty members and measures faculty expectations for student engagement in educational practices that are known to be empirically linked with a high level of learning and development. The survey results help the University enrich student experience, reform curriculum and enhance faculty development programs.