The Office of Service and Community Engagement oversees and supports 鶹Ƶ’s mission to “engage in service to others” and “promote social responsibility” through extra-curricular volunteerism and service-learning coursework. The office is also home to Omega Phi Alpha (OPA), a national service sorority, and the Bonner Leaders Program, a national scholarship program for students who go above and beyond in service, civic engagement, and leadership.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about Service at 鶹Ƶ:

How can I volunteer?

Service or volunteer opportunities can be with non-profits, government programs, schools, churches, or just a group of people trying to meet the needs of their community. There are traditional volunteer opportunities like serving meals or tutoring, but you can also flex your service muscles through philanthropy, advocacy, and activism!

鶹Ƶ has several Community Partners and works with many more organizations through Baltimore, Maryland, the United States, and beyond. 

I’m volunteering off campus for 鶹Ƶ. Anything I need to do beforehand?

Yes! If completing service off-campus, please fill out the Liability Waiver form BEFORE engaging in the service. and it can be found in the resources section.

I have an idea for a service project. What do I do?

We love that! Consider referring to our for a more in-depth guide on steps you should take when planning for a service event. Once you have your event planned, promote it via the Student Engagement 7 Day Forecast, through Departmental newsletters, or through other 鶹Ƶ groups.

How can I volunteer virtually?

The Covid-19 pandemic helped to further develop ways to give back and volunteer virtually. 鶹Ƶ has compiled here.

How can I track/record my hours?

鶹Ƶ tracks volunteer, service-learning, and engagement hours through MobileServe. You can create an account through the app or the website. For more detailed instructions on how to register and other MobileServe FAQ, or go to the resources page.

Engaging in service to others, building inclusive communities, and promoting social responsibility are all tenets of 鶹Ƶ’s mission. Service is the bedrock of our institution, and it is vital that our community members further this legacy. The Office of Service and Community Engagement strives to foster this culture as well as support 鶹Ƶ community members to be a part of this.

What can count as service hours?
  • There are a variety of on and off-campus opportunities for service hours, and students are encouraged to engage in a range of activities.
    • If completing service off-campus, please fill out the Liability/Waiver form BEFORE engaging in the service. and it can be found in the resources section.
  • Service or volunteer hours cannot be counted for classes, organizations, or programs if you received compensation for the work. A free meal, t-shirt, or place to stay do not count as compensation.
  • Please be intentional when counting service hours. Many of your classes, organizations, teams, or programs may require you to reach a certain number of hours – this on top of your already overwhelming schedules could seem difficult. However, don’t miss the spirit of service by becoming too hyper focused on the number. Ask for help, think about what you already do and things you enjoy doing. Service is best when all participants are engaged and feel valued.
  • If you are still unsure whether your activity can count toward service hours, please email the Office of Service and Community Engagement at service鶹Ƶ
What about service with Student Organizations?
  • Time spent on activities that benefit a wider population than the student org. can be counted as service hours. Examples may include:
    • Organizing an on or off-campus service project
    • Hosting an event that is open to all of campus and/or the Baltimore community
    • Creating educational materials that address an issue (related to your org. or not)
  • If the activity only benefits group members (and not the greater 鶹Ƶ or beyond community), it should not be counted toward service hours.
What about service-learning academic courses and internships?
  • Students can count service hours that are completed through an 鶹Ƶ service-learning course
  • Unpaid internships completed at a 501(c)(3) can be counted, even if they are a required component of a student’s coursework
  • Time spent shadowing without performing a task or somehow engaging/furthering the mission cannot be counted as community service hours
What about service through civic engagement?
  • Voter registration drives can be counted as service hours
  • Serving as an advocate for a social issue can be counted toward service hours (protesting, attending rallies, writing to government officials, etc.)
  • Promoting or campaigning for a political candidate/party/idea can be counted as community service
What does NOT count toward service hours?
  • Work where you are being paid directly by the non-profit or organization
  • Student conduct restitution hours
  • Court-ordered volunteer hours
  • Service to the University (Orientation Leaders, Resident Assistants, etc.)
What is the Economic Value of Service Hours?

For 2021, the current estimated national value of each volunteer hour is $28.54 (source: ). Service and volunteerism contributes to priceless good and community building, but it is important to know what your work translates to in dollar amount.