鶹Ƶ’s Award-Winning Professional Development Schools Program Wraps Up Successful 2023-24 Academic Year

鶹Ƶ Students Complete Internships Across Several Local School Systems
鶹Ƶ at the 2024 NASUP Conference

BALTIMORE – 鶹Ƶ’s teacher preparation program, which has been recognized as one of the top development programs in the country, continued to provide countless academic and professional growth opportunities for both Notre Dame students and participating local schools during the 2023-24 academic year.

The School of Education’s Professional Development Schools (PDS) Partnership Network formally partnered with 14 public schools across five different school systems in 2023-24 to develop teacher interns, engage in reciprocal professional development, and support school progress goals.

Notre Dame’s program was honored at the national level in 2022, when the National Association for Professional Development Schools (NAPDS) selected the University for an Exemplary Professional Development School Achievement Award. Below are just a few of the many accomplishments produced during the latest academic year:


Anne Arundel County Public Schools

Belvedere Elementary School, Anne Arundel County Schools
Liaison – Dr. Lisa Pallett, Associate Professor
Site Coordinator – Kelly Henderson, Teacher at Belvedere

Students from elementary mathematics methods courses at Notre Dame, along with two School of Education faculty members, had the opportunity to observe a fourth grade math lesson. The observed lesson demonstrated how to teach math using an engaging, hands-on approach that differentiated instruction for a variety of learners. Dr. Lisa Pallett additionally collaborated with the fourth grade teachers in completing a cycle of a lesson study, providing an excellent professional learning opportunity.

Broadneck High School, Anne Arundel County Public Schools

Liaison – Dr. Kristine Larson, Assistant Professor
Site Coordinator – Meghan Welsh, Teacher at Broadneck

The partnership at Broadneck blossomed this year through quality internship experiences, formal events, and partnership breakfasts, including the addition of a Broadneck teacher to Notre Dame’s associate faculty. Drs. Lisa Pallet, Juliann Dupuis, and Ryan Schaaf hosted a table at a formal partnership event. The liaison also hosted quarterly partnership breakfasts to thank Broadneck teachers, staff, and administrators for the work they do, recruit in-service teachers to be intern mentors and associate faculty members, and recruit students to Notre Dame. Ms. Tara Segree, a special educator at Broadneck, was invited to teach two master’s courses in the School of Education.

Severn River Middle School, Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Liaison – Dr. Kristine Larson, Assistant Professor
Site Coordinator – Jessica Bernstein, Teacher at Severn River

Shortly after Notre Dame student Skylar Taylor M’24 began her internship experience at Severn River, she accepted a position as a long-term substitute for a teacher on maternity leave at Broadneck. Two teachers at Severn River were additionally recruited to act as Student Alliance for Flourishing (SAFF) advisors. SAFF is a small group intervention designed to support students’ flourishing. The advisors met with students every week after school and provided them with activities such as breathing, yoga, and gratitude exercises, so that they could live happy, healthy, and balanced lives. Additionally, the liaison hosted “Food for Flourishing” breakfasts to widen the partnership’s influence schoolwide. In addition, she served as an instructional coach to a teacher at Severn River and participated in their growth in practice.

Baltimore City Public Schools

John Ruhrah Elementary/Middle School, Baltimore City Public Schools
Liaison – Dr. Patty Silver, Assistant Professor
Site Coordinator – Lauren Watson, Vice Principal at John Ruhrah

The John Ruhrah partners worked alongside the School of Education faculty to support 鶹Ƶ’s Elevates program. This program, funded by a Maryland State Department of Education grant, allowed eight paraeducators to work as apprentices while completing their education classes in special education or TESOL. This innovative grant allowed Notre Dame to lead the way in the state of Maryland in apprenticeship instruction. Additionally, multiple professional conference presentations were conducted to share partnership research associated with both the Elevates grant and technology integration grant work conducted during the 2022-23 academic year.

Partnership stakeholders presented at the National Association of School University Partnerships (NASUP) and published an article in the School-University Partnerships (SUP) national journal. A team of Notre Dame professors and the liaison also spoke at the Common Ground technology conference in Ocean City this year.

Medfield Heights Elementary School, Baltimore City Public Schools

Liaison – Dr. Lisa Pallett, Associate Professor
Site Coordinator – Stephanie Jones, Teacher at Medfield

The Medfield Heights Elementary partnership continued to support in-service teachers in integrating computer science into their curricula. Charlotte Yim ’22, a second grade teacher at Medfield and a Notre Dame alumna, participated in a grant-funded course titled Technology for STEM Educators. In this course, she learned about 3D design, circuits and coding, and computational thinking. She was able to integrate what she learned into her instructional program, and share what she learned with other teachers. Medfield additionally hosted two interns this year. One of the interns, Katelyn Shields ’22, M’24, was awarded the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Academic Achievement Award in recognition of her exemplary scholarship and outstanding performance within the partnership.

Western High School, Baltimore City Public Schools
Liaison – Dr. Stephanie Savick, Professor
Site Coordinator – Ashley Wiley, College and Career Readiness Counselor at Western

The focus for this year’s partnership work was on supporting teachers in the math department in addressing the students’ post-COVID math skill loss. Dr. Ryan Schaaf was invited to provide two seminars to math teachers at the school: Using AI to Work Smarter and Integrating Technology into Classroom Instruction. In addition, 10 Western students were selected to participate in the Notre Dame’s Focus on College Understanding and Success (FOCUS) initiative. The liaison and two teachers from Western participated in professional development opportunities to prepare them to offer a series of seminars for the selected students on topics such as college selection, admissions, financial aid, and targeted student support systems. Mentorships under the tutelage of Drs. Kristine Larson and Rachel Durham from the School of Education were also offered to each of the participating students. Research presentations and peer-reviewed articles documenting this valuable experience will take place during the 2024-25 academic year.

Baltimore County Public Schools

Hillcrest Elementary School, Baltimore County Public Schools
Liaison – Dr. Patty Silver, Assistant Professor
Site Coordinator – Bridget Quinn, Teacher at Hillcrest

New leadership at Hillcrest provided mutual benefits for the partnership. Hillcrest hosted three student interns this year. Monthly Chew and Chat sessions provided interns with ongoing support and an opportunity to discuss areas of need. The team planned two school-wide professional development sessions titled “Painless Scaffolding for Multilingual Learners” and “The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Model.” These trainings were followed up with instructional coaching and feedback sessions offered through Dr. Patty Silver.

Johnnycake Elementary School, Baltimore County Public Schools

Liaison – Dr. Patty Silver, Assistant Professor
Site Coordinator – Jolene Antioli, Teacher at Johnnycake

This year, the partnership focused its energy on a combination of grade-level trainings, coaching, and recruitment activities. Dr. Patty Silver created two full days of trainings for teacher groups at each grade level in supporting multilingual learners. Additionally, one-on-one coaching meetings and day-long coaching opportunities were conducted by Dr. Silver to help teachers better support their multilingual learners. The experience was so impactful that the liaison collaborated with liaisons in other partnerships to document the journey in a peer-reviewed publication.

Lansdowne Elementary School, Baltimore County Public Schools
Liaison – Dr. Joanna Newton, Assistant Professor
Site Coordinator – MacKenzie Borgmann, Teacher at Lansdowne

The partnership offered professional development opportunities for Lansdowne faculty and staff in alignment with school improvement goals. The liaison and site coordinator facilitated two long-term professional development book clubs. The first book club, which ran during the fall semester, focused on instructional practices to support English Learners. Seven teachers met monthly to discuss the text, No More Low Expectations for English Learners. Participants paired with one another to plan and implement instruction using methods from the text, leading to instructional shifts that centered student talk, intentional vocabulary instruction, and the use of scaffolds.

The second book club, offered during the spring semester, centered on trauma-responsive pedagogy using the text, Trauma-Responsive Pedagogy: Teaching for Healing and Transformation. Seven teachers participated in monthly sessions aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of trauma-informed pedagogy and increased use of trauma-responsive strategies, including the use of “calming corners,” breathwork, and holding space/community circle routines. In addition, participants explored instructional routines centered on the use of read-alouds to address issues of trauma, and to build positive teacher-student and student-student relationships. Dr. Newton presented this work during two sessions at the 2024 National Association for School University Partnerships Conference in Anaheim, California.

Stemmers Run Middle School, Baltimore County Public Schools

Liaison – Dr. Angelo Letizia, Associate Professor
Site Coordinator – Jen Miller, Teacher at Stemmers

The liaison and site coordinator as Stemmers created micro professional development opportunities which were distributed in quarterly departmental newsletters. The professional development topics aligned with school and departmental goals. In addition, several professional books were added to the growing partnership library.

Woodlawn High School, Baltimore County Public Schools
Liaison – Stephanie Savick, Professor
Site Coordinator – Corrie Hamlett, Teacher at Woodlawn

The focus for this year’s partnership work was on supporting Teach Across Maryland (TAM) students attending Woodlawn. The liaison and the TAM teacher provided professional development opportunities to 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students on topics such as Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Emotional Intelligence. In addition, seven Woodlawn students were selected to participate in Notre Dame’s Focus on College Understanding and Success (FOCUS) initiative. The liaison and two teachers from Woodlawn participated in professional development opportunities to prepare them to offer a series of seminars for the students on topics such as college selection, admissions, financial aid, and targeted student support systems. Mentorships under the tutelage of Dr. Savick were also offered to each of the participating students. Research presentations and peer-reviewed articles documenting this valuable experience will take place during the 2024-25 academic year.

Harford County Public Schools

Church Creek Elementary School, Harford County Public Schools
Liaison – Rosemary Poling, Assistant Professor
Site Coordinator – Lauren McHugh, Reading Specialist at Church Creek

Church Creek Elementary School welcomed three Notre Dame interns during the 2023-24 academic year. Two of those interns completed both part-time and full-time experiences during the school year. All interns fully participated in professional development opportunities offered through Harford County Public Schools and the Church Creek leadership team. In addition, they were invited to in-service workshops on reading assessments provided by the site coordinator, and they joined new teachers at Church Creek  for a professional development session run conducted by the liaison titled “What Would You Do?” on classroom management and procedures. The liaison partnered with Church Creek  leadership in an effort to coach a first-year teacher, providing suggestions, feedback, and accolades. This teacher was a former intern at Church Creek and a 鶹Ƶ graduate. Lastly, the partnership offered several formal events to recruit mentor teachers and showcase the program offerings of Notre Dame’s School of Education programs.

Howard County Public Schools

Clemens Crossing Elementary School, Howard County Public Schools
Liaison – Angelo Letizia, Associate Professor
Site Coordinator – Michelle Alban, Teacher at Clemens Crossing Elementary

The partnership hosted one intern during the fall semester who was actively engaged with students and the culture of Clemens Crossing. Additionally, the coordinating council was able to add a number of books to the growing professional development library.

Long Reach High School, Howard County Public Schools
Liaison – Molly Dunn, Assistant Professor

Aligned with school improvement efforts to support multi-lingual learners (MLLS), 10 Long Reach high school students were selected to participate in 鶹Ƶ’s Focus on College Understanding and Success (FOCUS) initiative. The liaison and two teachers from Long Reach participated in professional development opportunities to prepare them to offer a series of seminars for the students on topics such as college selection, admissions, financial aid, and targeted student support systems. Mentorships under the tutelage of Dr. Dunn were also offered to each of the participating students. Research presentations and peer-reviewed articles documenting this valuable experience will take place during the 2024-25 academic year.

Established in 1895, 鶹Ƶ (鶹Ƶ) is a private, Catholic institution in Baltimore, Maryland, with the mission to educate leaders to transform the world. Notre Dame has been named one of the best "Regional Universities North" by U.S. News & World Report.

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