Mari Rapela Heidt

Rapela Heidt

Assistant Professor
School of Arts, Sciences & Business
Caroline Hall (CHL) 407
Programs I teach...

Programs I Teach 

Social Ethics, Catholic Social Teaching, Environmental ethics, Economic ethics, Medical ethics


PhD Theological Ethics, Marquette University

Research Interests

The intersection of social ethics and economics The intersection of medicine and economics

Publications and Presentations

Selected Articles “We Need More Kidneys: Living Donation, BMI, and Black Male Mortality," Review and Expositor, vol. 119, n1 (January 2023) “Integral ecology, connection, and prevention: Moving forwaMari Rapela Heidtrd together after Covid-19,” Journal of Sociology and Development, v4, n1 (December 2020) Review of A Creed for Today, Faith and Commitment for Our New Earth Awareness, Journal of Moral Theology, v11 n 1 (January 2022) Review of Driven by Hope: Economics and Theology in Dialogue. Journal of Moral Theology, v8, n2 (June 2019) “Development, nations, and “the signs of the times:” the historical context of Populorum Progressio, Journal of Moral Theology, v6, n1 (January, 2017), 1-20. “Desarrollo, naciones y “los signos de los tiempos”: el contexto histórico de Populorum Progressio.”Veritas, Pontificio Seminario, Casablanca, Chile, 2019. Translation and republication of: “Development, nations, and “the signs of the times:” the historical context of Populorum Progressio, Journal of Moral Theology, v6, n1 (January, 2017), 1-20. Books 2012 A Guide to Writing about Theology and Religion, Anselm Academic Press 2010 Moral Traditions, an Introduction to World Religious Ethics, Anselm Academic Press Selected Presentations 2024 "Profit and Loss: Disability and the Minimum Wage," Annual Meeting of the Catholic Theological Society of America, June 11, Baltimore, Maryland. 2020 “We Need More Kidneys, Reconsidering the Rules for Donations from Living Organ Donors,” Annual Meeting of the Society of Christian Ethics, January 10, Washington, DC. 2016 “An Economy that Serves Human Needs: The Contribution of Louis‐Joseph Lebret,” Building Good Economies: Catholic Social Teaching @ 125, a conference sponsored by the Francis and Anne Curran Center, Fordham University, April 22, New York. 2015 “An Economy that Serves Human Needs: Louis-Joseph Lebret’s Contribution to Catholic Economic Thought,” Catholic Theological Society of America annual meeting, June 11, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 2013 “At the Margins of the Academy: Issues of Contingent Faculty,” Society of Christian Ethics annual meeting, January 4, Chicago, Illinois.